
Beware Locky is back

18th August 2017 News

Locky, thought to be dead, was one of the first major forms of ransomware to achieve global notoriety.  However, it appears to have risen from the crypt with new variants, Lukitus and Diablo.

Notorious attacks have returned with distribution through the Necurs botnet, one of the largest botnets in use today!

Recent activity shows that it has been hitting Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10 machines in the following countries: –

  • UK
  • USA
  • Italy
  • Sweden
  • China
  • Botswana
  • The Netherlands
  • Latvia

Reduce your risk of Ransomware attacks?

Before possible encryption takes place, a STRONG SECURE BACKUP is the best protection for your anti-ransomware.

Backup your data

  1. Several backup solutions are available storing up to date off-site copies of Customers’ data.  If you are interested and would like to discuss your options, then please contact us.
  2. Always avoid opening unknown email attachments or clicking on links received via spam emails.
  3. Also, access to a tutorial created with end Users in mind is available.  The tutorial helps Users to understand how best to protect themselves and their data.


Ensure your security software patches are up to date

  1. Check Servers on a regular basis.
  2. Check Windows updates are up to date on your Computer.
  3. Ensure you are running anti-virus software
  4. Is your anti-virus fully up to date, why not use our *Managed Anti-Virus Solution?


* Provided by Webroot



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