Getting connected staying connected
In today’s 24 hour world where Consumers and Clients alike expect near-instant service. Getting connected staying connected, having your business, your people and your data connected 24/7 has become mission critical. Having a good Internet connection is as essential as your electricity supply.
It’s important that your connection to the internet is right for your business. To the inexperienced eye one internet connection may seem to be the same as another, but there is in fact a wide range of options and choices.
Initial consideration
On initial consideration, price may be the influencing factor.
However key factors you need to consider are as follows: –
- Support
- Speed
- Symmetry
- Reliability
- Accessibility
Reliance on a good internet connection is now even more mission critical as businesses look to migrate to ‘the Cloud’.
No longer shackled to their desks, Users are able to work from anywhere at anytime. Good internet accessibility is therefore important.
At the end of the day, as with most things, you get what you pay for. However, when your business relies on something it’s worth paying that little bit extra.
Local Area Networks (LANs)
Providing the backbone for most Companies giving access to the internet within a limited area such as an office building. Increasingly wireless LANs using WiFi technology are used to provide greater flexibility and cost savings rather than the traditional LANs which were wired using cables and wall sockets.
Fixed line Broadband
Encompassing a range of technologies that provide high speed connectivity to the internet. Broadband is available from standard phone lines to dedicated or leased line connections using co-axial or fibre optic cables.
Wireless Broadband
Similar to above in terms of providing high speed access to the internet but using wireless connections such as WiFi. Often available publicly, e.g. in coffee shops and airports, with open access or password managed access.
Mobile Broadband
Mobile broadband is the marketing term for wireless internet access through a mobile phone, smartphone, tablet or USB ‘dongle’. Currently available through 3G networks in the UK, although 4G superfast broadband is now becoming available that allows, for example, video.
Is your broadband letting your business down?