What cybersecurity risks does your business face?
The cyberattack in May 2017 affected 40 hospitals and 24 NHS Trusts, as A&E departments across the country were forced to shut their doors to patients in need. High profile attacks like this have brought cybercrime to the forefront of public discourse. But many business owners, especially of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), remain unsure and duly concerned about how the threat affects them. However, the truth is that hackers have begun actively targeting small businesses.
Many businesses do not have the resources to pay for expensive security measures. However, this shouldn’t put off anyone from improving their cybersecurity. There are plenty of affordable options. Luckily, the most important thing and the most cost-effective solution, is to get the basics right. There are, therefore, several proactive and actionable steps you can take to improve your cybersecurity.
Business risk: by the numbers
- 24% of small businesses lack any procedures for when a cyber attack occurs
- Almost 50% of all UK businesses have identified an attack in the last 12-months
- 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses
- 60% of small companies actually go out of business within six months of a cyber attack
At Amshire, we have extensive experience helping businesses of all sizes improve their security setup. Please get in touch if you would like any assistance or have any questions.